Angehende Versicherungskaufleute des Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Berufskollegs
in Detmold beeindruckt von "Lloyd's of London Market", dem weltweit bedeutendsten
>>Edelsteine versendet man am sichersten mit der Post<<
>>Ein "slip" ist kein Kleidungsstück, sondern ein Versicherungsdokument<<
Nehle-Annika |
Berger |
Detmold |
Andrea |
Brinkmann |
Detmold |
Annika |
Fiedler |
Lebensvers. AG, Detmold |
Melanie |
Gadermann |
Signal-Iduna Vers.,
Geschäftsstelle Paderborn |
Dominik |
Kuhlmann |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
Niyazi |
Kurt |
Detmold |
Dennis |
Landau |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
Sven |
Limberg |
Detmold |
Irene |
Meyerhoff |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
Alexandra |
Nahirni |
Lebensvers. AG, Detmold |
Ansis |
Perkons |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
Jennifer |
Rogall |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
Vanessa |
Rubach |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
Christian |
Schmieder |
Detmold |
Simone |
Spieker |
Detmold |
Christian |
Tornau |
Debeka Versicherungen,
Geschäftsstelle Detmold |
Viktoria |
Wert |
Ecclesia Versicherungsdienste,
Detmold |
This article was published in the NEWSLETTER AUTUMN 2001 of Lloyd`s
and London Market Deutscher Verein, London:
Visit of Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Berufskolleg, Detmold, Germany
27 31 August 2001
For the third time a group of our trainees studying insurance business and we the two teachers Monika Schackmar and Heinz-Willi Görmann could again visit Lloyd`s and London Market Deutscher Verein. As every year our students could gain very interesting experiences in the work of brokers as well as underwriters and Lloyd`s coverage for unusual risks. For instance, the students were impressed to learn that sending jewels by mail is less risky than by couriers. Quite amusing for our students is the meaning of slip in insurance English, which means underpants in German. Not less entertaining was the presentation on the differences between English and German Insurance Law. At the CII the students were introduced to the wide range of training products in all areas of insurance. Another interesting variation on our schedule was the visits to Tate Modern and Guildhall. The social aspect during our visit did not come off badly either when we met members of Deutscher Verein at the pub Ship Inn where some of our students were served with a typical British meal Fish & Chips and where all of them enjoyed pints of Bitter and Ale for the first time.
On this occasion, we would like to say many thanks mainly to Martin Reiss who made it possible for us to go on this excellent guided tour to Lloyd`s, IUA and CII. We also owe a debt of gratitude to all members of Deutscher Verein who contributed to our very successful study trip to London. This trip is definitely the highlight during our students` training at our college. For this reason, we very much appreciate your invitation once a year and we are looking forward to seeing you all again on our next visit in 2002.
Monika Schackmar and Heinz-Willi Görmann